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05 March, 2013

Huawei E220 Modem Unlocker

These bellow quoted underligned steps are So boring to me and sometimes you find a modem that doesn't give you the right hex code so.... I brought you the one only software unlocker which brings you the code and you just need to write it to your modem with any Huawei Code Writer.

Help XP remains on the Rule!

Windows XP is still ruling out there in the world, some statistics said. Windows vista, 7 and 8 are out there too but many users prefer to downgrade their PCs to XP for a compatibility issues and less hardware needs.
so let's download again XP in different languages to help maintain this master piece.

Download Updates

10 March, 2012

Connection 2G Gratuit sur mobile(java supported)

C'est comme le dernier sujet sur mon blog "Internet Gratuit 3G+ Jawal" mais cette fois sur n'importe quelle carte sim. Avec le service 2G vous pouvez connecter sur l'internet sans obligations et surffez sur vous sites préférés (facebook. twitter, ...)

Comment ça marche?
+Carte sim (l'une que vous utilisez souvent)
+Opera mini 5 beta 2 (voir le sujet Internet Gratuit 3G+ Jawal)
+ Entrer les donneés correctement.

J'ai fait un test de band utilisant le site et la résultat est catastrophique

05 March, 2012

Internet Gratuit 3G+ Jawal

3G+ Jawal de Maroc Telecom est Gratuit

 avec  Opera Mini 5 Beta + Operator Trick

+Puce Carte 3G+ Jawal
+Portable 3G (UMTS)
+ Network/ Connexions/ Access Point Name (APN):

Download Opera Mini 5 Beta 2 handler

+Installer Opera Mini 5 Beta 2 hanlder sur le portable (Java)
+Ouvrir et modifier les donners 
+Les donners doivent être comme ça:
Cutsom HTTP Server:
Custom Socket Server:


+Appuer sur OK pour terminer l'installation de 'Opera'

16 July, 2011

Native Deen - I Am Near (Official Video) with Lyrics

Ya Allah - Subhannahu wa ta'alla (Glorious and exalted)
Ya Allah - Samee' Li-duana (The One who hears our prayers)
My Lord - I know that you hear me
Ya Rabbi (oh My Lord) - Cause He says

14 July, 2011

عندما تجتمع الارادة بالشجاعة

الارادة قوة تدفع الى النجاح 
الشجاعة قوة تزيح عراقيل النجاح 

02 May, 2011

Osama Bin Laden Quotes about Death and Life

"We treat them in the same way. Those who kill our women and innocent, we kill their women and innocent, until they refrain."

"We love death. The U.S. loves life. That is the difference between us two."


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